The lesson of the Spider Web

Another lesson I reminded my boys of the other day I call the law of the spider web. God gave me that thought a long while back and I was reminded of it recently.
A few times when my boys would build intricate lego sets, my younger children would enjoy playing the role of controlled demolition.
This would greatly upset my boys, which is reasonable. But it got me thinking this would be a good life lesson.
When a spider builds a web all day, and someone takes a stick and destroys it, or a big bug gets trapped and puts a gaping hole in it, I don’t think the spider hides in the window corner and sulks and gets bent out of shape. It goes back and rebuilds.
Every day “someone is going to knock down our web” in life. Bad news, misunderstandings, mean words, whatever. Just pick up a new truth that goes against the conformity of today and see how quickly your new web gets attacked.
But what are you going to do about it?
And we can decide how to respond before we even begin building that web.
And maybe even it’s the third time today.
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