Monthly Archives: June 2013

America Bless God

If there is any hope for America, it is going to going to take people who want to surrender to God and say Lord thy will be done. I don’t know how many people God needs but God did more … Continue reading

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Who’s on FIRST?

Before I write any more blog posts, I want to do some on Biblical Salvation.  This will be a category all by itself. This website is very much like me, a work in progress.   Salvation is a moment, sanctification is … Continue reading

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Coming soon to a Blog Near You.

I want to say first Thank you for whoever is reading this.   Numbers can be misleading and numbers can be a bit confusing.  A big problem with the church today is we are driven by numbers.  A 3,000 member church … Continue reading

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Land of Confusion – Thoughts on the Church Today

There is a lot of confusion in Christianity today.  God is not the author of confusion. For starters though, know I am not bashing every church.  Nor just attacking for no reason and no benefit. The Bible says to mark … Continue reading

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Both the Bible and the Calandar Prove Weekends Aren’t Made for Michelob!

Here is a new blog post on an interesting observation the Lord showed me a while back. The whole idea of the “weekend” I think is man created, man centered, and man orchestrated.  I don’t know if it was “made … Continue reading

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America Bless God

Jesus saith I AM THE WAY. However America has been going a different way for a while. I don’t have specific dates, but in general America has pretty much flaunted itself and turned it’s back on the God of it’s … Continue reading

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America’s Got Talent and American Idols, But not God

The Bible says Blessed is the nation who’s GOD is the LORD.  The Bible says THUS SAITH THE LORD many times in the blessed book I can hold in my hand.  It is true from beginning to end, sin kept … Continue reading

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An offer you can’t refuse. A commentary on Tony Soprano’s influence on American Christianity

James Gandolfini, an actor best known for his role as an anxiety-ridden mob boss on HBO’s “The Sopranos,” died Wednesday vacationing in Italy at age 51.  The cause is still unknown but a heart attack is the likely cause. I was saddened … Continue reading

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America — you may finally find Jimmy Hoffa but will you ever find God again?

I  know where Jimmy Hoffa is right now for those of you wondering.  He is in hell right  now.  He will be in hell 5,000 years from today.  Does it really matter where his empty body ended up when his soul lives … Continue reading

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Ye would not!

Jesus is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  Jesus stands at the church door and knocks and if any man opens the door He will come in and sup with him.  Jesus would gather … Continue reading

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