Laugh or Cry

You have heard that expression, laugh or cry.    There was the straw that broke the camel’s back, but it was a California Camel so straws weren’t allowed.

I have reached the point I’d throw in the towel, only it would create more laundry.     And we have reached a point when it seems our economy has rebounded so well that today Colin Kaepernick has a job.

Everyone it seems is employed or deployed.  But me.

I have heard that since American Christians do not experience persecution, we get tribulation.     And God is turning up the tribulation to levels not experienced before.   We don’t like the pressure.  We are seeing what we are made of.  It is a bit scary to see.

I might be cynical, I might see that the grass is greener next door and that the glass is half empty, bruised and battered, and the glass is breaking.  Regardless, I think I might be seeing things right – what I see going on today is the pressure is on and it has turned Christians into bitter and back biting murmurers and complainers and it has made our hearts calloused to the needs of others.    The bible says if we see a need, we should meet it.  Instead Christians grab hold of the verse that says “everyone should carry their own burden.”   This can mean that the lay people need to look to everyone but the church for help.  The church must be saved at all costs so if you have to, sell a kidney, sell your heart, sell something to stay afloat.  But do not expect the church to be there and do not forget to tithe.   That is why you are starving and your children have old shoes – you forgot to tithe and used your last 2 mites on milk and mittens.

I had been the one giving and footing the bill and at church every time the doors were open.  We gave an inheritance, a car, our time, our health, our sanity, and more to the church over the years.  And about 10 years ago, I lost a pharmacy job because I was biblically against the morning after pill.   The church did not respond like I expected.  They did not give  you a “wow, that is terrible.  We will be praying. We will take up an offering.  You gave so much and now you will be rewarded for your courage and boldness and we will show the members and the lost that the church will be there for you when you are persecuted for righteousness!”  Instead, we were looked at as we must be in the cross hairs of God’s judgment and no one wanted to get contaminated.  Oh, we would get an “I’m praying for you!” response, but I have learned that usually means, “I am saying that so I can go back to my normal life without letting what you are going through affect me and I am not going to be moved so please accept this as the greatest thing I can do and I will pray that someone else cares more than I do to help with the situation.   And please now go away.  Masterchef is coming back on.”

I might be pouring on the sarcasm, but something is wrong today.  My sister in law is in a bad situation.  She is married to someone who will abandon her and not provide food for her or her 6 children, but he will make sure he has a shiny office and nice vehicle and he will do live music videos and he plans on being famous one day.   And he makes her work and support his dream while he goes where ever he wants, even if it’s clear he’s cheated on her.  She puts up with it because she is so beat down in life.  We have interceded and she sticks up for him, but when he leaves her for days and there is no food, we don’t take out the lecture notes and make her feel guilty.  She feels bad herself.  But we go to Aldi’s and fill up the car with groceries and make her day.    We see a need without pouring salt in the wounds, and without holding it against her for the next 5 years.

We get attacked for helping, we get accused of enabling, we get scolded, and we get attitude.  But where the criticism comes the loudest is from those who we couldn’t help because we helped her instead.      If you give someone a fish they can fish for a day.  If you teach someone to fish they can eat for a lifetime.  If you give someone a fish in front of someone who likes fish but refuses to buy their own fish because they would rather jet ski than fish, you get grief for months after.     It is ok to bring people fish, but you better have enough to go around.  And plenty of lemons and tarter sauce.

It gets fun when all of a sudden you aren’t the rich uncle anymore and the blood dries up the leeches were feeding from.  Instead of another Rich Uncle jumping in and saying, “Rest my son.  I will get it from here!” the families all gang up on the generous black sheep and say, “HA!!! you are out of money now!!!! Serves you right for helping people! That is why we won’t help anyone and why we aren’t helping you!  Keep your money next time for yourself.  If you ever get any again!”

Money divides people and families and churches.  When things dry up people will turn into cannibals and fight for their share.

That is not what JESUS did.   The little boy with the lunch gave his lunch to Jesus and Jesus fed 5,000 and that little boy.

The church today says you can’t out give God.  The church says give it all away (to US) and then when you need it God will be there.

But the trick they will pull is when that finally happens, you are left footing the bill.  Because they will interpret that moment to be that you are being judged now by God.

This situation is forcing me to look to Jesus for my help.   My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

But if you happen to be a billionaire reading this, I won’t refuse your help either.   Or your fishsticks.

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