Who’s the Hater? Honestly?

If you were sound asleep at 3am and I saw your house on fire, I would possibly be “offensive” at first if I had to shake you to the reality of the situation.

It sounds mean to bash the Pope, “attack” Muslims or Catholics, or tell people they are going to Hell. Jesus did say severe warnings on hell — He called it the place where the fire is not quenched, said, “Ye serpents, how shall ye escape the damnation of Hell?” and warned folks that if they reject his words, there will be gnashing of teeth when they see the prophets enter heaven and they themselves cast out.

Read Matthew 7 in a King James Bible. If Jesus message was only “love thy neighbor” He would not have been crucified. Jesus would instead be living in the same mega-mansions as the “love preachers” like Joel Olsteen or TD Jakes today.

The bible warns that Satan shows up as an “angel of Light.”  His greatest trick is to appeal to man’s pride, and man’s religiousness by nature, and get them working for him and never realizing it. I once was a lost Catholic. I am a saved Christian. Only because I met the real Jesus and put my faith and trust in him.

The Catholic Jesus is a different Jesus. The Catholic Bible is a different Bible. The Catholic doctrines are vastly different than the simplicity that is in Christ. But we are born on the devil’s team. We need to get traded to God’s team — born again.

If we mock that command of Jesus, how can we say we are following Him? If a church says baptism saves, but Jesus says “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” to answer someone’s question, of “what doth hinder me to be baptized?” how can we be pleasing God if we go with a church tradition teaching?  Over God’s?

Especially one where thousands or millions of Anabaptists, Baptists, etc were drowned, tortured, killed, over refusing to baptize infants? I am not just talking about the Inquisition either. Christians have been persecuted by Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and Hindus for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Many stand for a “Judge not and just love your neighbor” message but you are part of a church that has done anything but that for centuries if you are Catholic.

So who’s the real hater?

One who lovingly warns someone that they are LOST and serving the devil in disguise and earning HELL for their reward?

Or one who lies to you and tells you God is pleased with your false religion and fake Christ?

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