Where are the Patriots?

You never are going to be able to expect any help or hope in the Liberals.
My observation about America today is this. The only Patriot 95% of Americans are familiar with today is Tom Brady. If you polled a college campus, 95% of them would only know Sam Adams was a beer. We have forgotten our roots and our Christian heritage. And America has no clue of our Baptist roots in America, and Americans have very few unbiased resources to turn to learn about the real history of our early beginnings.
Where have all the Real Americans gone? You can thank our school systems, media, and government for ensuring the upcoming generation has no idea what America once stood for.
Years ago we wouldn’t even put up with a tax on some tea. That is like going through Tim Horton’s and seeing they raised a Medium Coffee by $0.08. Men took a stand and the rest was history.
Today we have a whole lot more to stir us to action.
Yet, we continue letting America go to hell. Remote in one hand, waiting to vote someone in to change our country.
If we don’t act soon, we will be history.
Remember, God is in control. He puts in the leader we deserve. And right now America deserves another Bush vs. Clinton election.
Wake up America, and WAKE UP AMERICANS!!!!
And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
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