The 2 Devil’s Holidays

I don’t celebrate Halloween, but I am dressed up like a Pharmacist today.
It had me thinking. Today, Satan drags everything out in the open and people think, “We can’t be worshipping the devil because he wouldn’t be so obvious.”
And then come Christmas, Satan dresses up in his SANTA costume, and people think, “We can’t be worshipping the devil because if this was the devil, it wouldn’t be so hidden.”
Wake up folks. The devil is the god of this world and he has you on his team if you have never been born again. He will lie to lost and saved and most of the world is deceived. He deadens your mind to the truth, distracts you with the entertainments of this world, dulls your conscience with religion, distorts reality with the false science of today, and is determined you never get saved.
The devil is also after the child’s innocence and child like faith. And if he can’t reach them at Halloween, he has another chance at Christmas.
The only cure is salvation and then to get in the WORD of God.
You don’t choose the devil’s team, you are BORN on it. That is why JESUS said YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!
Don’t let the Devil win and DAMN your soul for eternity.
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