Prepare to meet thy God, O Buffalo

Christians are supposed to be as united against SIN as the rest of the world DEFENDS THEIR SIN and keeps pushing the envelope.

However, 5 thoughts I wanted to share. If you are lost, this message is not for you. You are more than welcome to get saved though and come back to it.

1. “We” (churches of America) can’t even agree on which bible — ONE that worked perfectly fine during the Great Awakening or Any of the watered down, corrupted, counterfeits that are ever-changing.
2. “We” can’t even get heterosexual marriage down as a whole. Are we salt and light and the “straight” (pun intended) measuring stick the world can measure REAL marriage by?
3. The “world” has an agenda and will not stop. They are dead set on their goal. Whoever “THEY” are, whether it is 9/11 or 6/26 or whatever, they are not ashamed of their “gods” and they will fight to defend their “gods”. If you are a CHRISTIAN and try to fight for the TRUE and LIVING GOD, those in the CHURCH will rise up and try to tell you to knock it off and settle down.
4. “We” defend our “liberty to enjoy the American idols” more than we care about DENYING OURSELVES and coming AFTER JESUS. They came out of the closet, and we came out of the prayer closet and Holy Huddle in church.
5. We need to take massive positive action. The laborers are few. There are 5000 “Christians” telling you that you are wrong to evangelize and “are judging” for every 1 that wants to spread the Gospel.

Engage people in conversations (for example, at a grocery store, go up to a worker and ask them if they are good at finding anything. then ask if they know how to find God. or go to a gas station and ask the clerk if they are good at directions. then ask them if they know how to get to heaven. these i find are good ice breakers and lead to good conversations). Have tracts on you. Witness to telemarketers. Sow seeds at the next reunion. Get on the street once this week and at least hold a sign. DO something. Get in the Bible more, stop defending hollywood and pro-sports and realize that if we are at war, entertainment MUST Be on the BACK BURNER. Whatever your “stand” is on entertainment, realize during a war, that is merely used to proved a bit of stress relief. It should not replace being on the battle field! Buffalo residents are preparing more for the coming of Sabre Jack Eichel than the Savior Jesus Christ.

Prepare to meet thy God, Oh Buffalo.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1st Corinthians 15:58)

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