A comment on a stadium packed “Christian” rock concert…

I have been at similar events as this stadium packed “Christian” event that I wrote the comments below toward.  The background was an Ind Fundamental Baptist was wondering why these groups were reaching people so well.  A former Pastor of mine said he could fill a stadium by announcing “Michelob Sunday.”   Just because something draws a crowd, does not mean it is from God.

I have been in “those circles” for the first 3 years I was saved, experiencing everything from kingdom bound to youth conferences to mission trips to YWAM and Denver Seminary (only touring) and did things like Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life at least twice. When I found the King James, I entered in the Ind. fund. baptist circles and I thought I finally found a group that obeyed and loved the bible. the conviction of well known men of God 50 years ago was that most of the church then was lost. that is my conviction as well and from my experience in both groups, the ones that have evidence of a true walk with God and truly knowing the God of the bible is few and far between.

the leaders of both groups seem more passionate about numbers and the church and neither seems to be truly lifting up CHRIST. What i find is both circles are throwing stones at the other, but ultimately, neither I would say is truly following God. in the modern special effect group, what you use to draw people with you draw them too. these large gatherings are hard rocking pep rallies and when the dust settles there is no heart change.

Yet, in the conservative circles, we tend to be simply cloning Baptists. when the dust settles at the week long camp meetings or whatever else we do as Baptists, there is little long-lasting effects either. in the conservative circles, anyone with a heart following after God is labeled a rebel because we care more about the Bible then the baptist traditions and we are willing to put the sacred Baptist cows on the altar. anyone with an inner calling of God and a walk with God that produces some original convictions is treated with resentment or a rebel.

The Baptists are following their own crowd of whatever particular bible college that church seems to gravitate toward, and is good at producing pharisees and those that are unfriendly and look down at everyone who isn’t in their church, and everyone that is in their church, but not there 3 times a week. the young people see the hypocrisy and the inconsistencies and run to the modern circles because they feel accepted and “they feel God”. until either is willing to look at their own issues and stop thinking they are God’s gift to America because they don’t have the major issues of the other camp, we will be continue going down the path we are on.

If a restaurant is failing, you can look at the management down, or yell at the customers for going somewhere else to eat. in the baptist circles, the church members are looking to be fed and they feel they are never good enough, and they fall for the “feelings” and “embrace” of the modern churches. and the Baptist management only does more “yelling” at those that are thinking of leaving and “shunning” of those that did leave, instead of willing to listen and consider where we are missing the mark.

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