And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. ( Romans 1:27)
Being gay is a choice. The bible says they burned in their lust one for another. The forbidden is always appealing to the flesh, and that started in the garden. Gay sex is the CHOICE to many but it is a form of sex addiction and they know it is wrong and they want the guilt removed. You can’t legislate it out morality. They can’t shake the guilt because they are sinning against their own consciences.
But God forgives. God changes gays and lesbians to powerful Christians who have great marriages and love right. Deep down if you are gay you know something is wrong. Maybe you feel you were “Born that way” but we are born with ungodly desires and we are born on the devil’s team. Regardless of “orientation” you need to be BORN AGAIN.
Stop justifying your sin, stop trying to make everyone remove the guilt you feel about, and just be honest with God. HE will save you, gloriously change you, and give you a new direction, new desires, and a new destiny.
But you need to come to the God of the Bible on his terms. and that starts with terms of surrender.