Ye shall be as gods.

The Bible says And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

If you look around 2015 Christianity, you don’t see much freedom.  This must mean we the church in general do not know the truth.  Or we fail to act on the truth we do know.

The devil does not mind mixing truth in with lies.  In fact, that is usually how he gets us.   His lies sound reasonable to us because our nature naturally bends toward the god of this world.    The devil has had that position since the beginning in the garden of Eden.

He didn’t outright lie to Eve.  “Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” was the devil’s bait that caused Eve to look, lust, and lunge into the forbidden fruit.  Adam and Eve became their own gods, and sewed fig leaves to atone for their sins, and hid from the true and living God.

There was enough truth to what he said that caused Eve to give the devil an ear.  The rest is history.  Religion is an exact replication to what happened in the garden.  God’s way was made to seem  unreasonable, the devil offered alternative options that seemed reasonable, and the guilt brought forth by rejecting God’s way created religions that are temporary fig leaves.

I don’t know the answer for today.  It is just the cry of my heart that it is not too late for America, but I strongly believe something has to change.  Too many have given up on the church and want nothing to do with it.  The young and vulnerable stand out, and they have been wounded, they have seen enough hypocrisy, and they either leave the Bible preaching churches completely, or they find a church that lets them do as they please.

There is lack of unity in the church because we are not tuned into the Lord Jesus Christ.  We half-hearted obey Him, and try to merge being an American first, and a Christian second.  We  seem to either have “love” at the expense of truth, and by neglecting TRUTH, soon hell is out the window and marriage is anything goes.

Yet, the other side seems to have TRUTH and tough love if any.  Compassion, charity, and blessings are reserved for the elite who speak for God and the common man is not smart enough to find truth on their own.  In much of the church, the leaders lord over the sheep and exploit them for their wool.  And a lot of the time, the leaders are wolves in Pastor’s clothing, and devour the sheep when they are not looking.

My heart says it’s fixable.   Yet the heart is deceitful.  The realty is the bible says things will wax worse and worse until Jesus comes back.

Or until we get back to old-fashioned Christianity.  Which likely won’t happen until Jesus returns.

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