Research FLAT EARTH!

Sorry, I am not backing off here!

I believe God is showing me simple illustrations to question what King Gravity and the jolly ‘ol Globe try to defy. I was confused a few weeks ago too — bottom line, air density and water density explain things a whole lot more than gravity, which is only a theory.   And as I am discovering, it is an all-powerful supernatural theory.

So you believe in something you can’t see either way — Gravity or God. Gravity says it is strong enough for the fish to stay in the ocean and the ocean to stay in the ocean, and for the moon to stay around the sun, yet it’s weak enough so birds can fly in the air.

Think how much faith you need to believe this stuff.

I was playing a game of pool on a break today. You know, billiards. Where you take a long stick, whack a white ball into a triangle of multiple color balls, and keep whacking until they all disappear.

It got me thinking.

What happens when a ball hits another ball? What happens when something hits your spinning ball?

And what would happen if you had trillions of these balls all spinning around each other and spinning around other clusters of balls among who knows how many clusters spinning randomly around?

The thought I had is this. OK, most of this world believes the impossible. An earth spinning 1000 mph around the sun at 67,000 mph through a spinning solar system around a spinning galaxy.

Yet nothing bumps into each other. Never mind how many cars collide daily and they have, theoretically, some intelligence behind the wheel. And if the planets in solar systems or the solar systems in our galaxies, do have a collision, our solar system keeps spinning on.

They just keep spinning and spinning. Never mind everything in the real world that spins fast and furious gets so hot it has to be cooled off or it will spontaneously combust.

These figures all stay relatively stable for millions of years, and there never is a crash collision of 2 different galaxies both spinning in random directions through an endless universe from the magical big bang.

And it is all supernaturally protected by Lord Gravity.

Does that not take more blind faith than to know instead God holds this all together?

And if the spinning concept comes from the evolution concept, why are Christians willing to walk away from the evolution concept but cling to the spinning earth?

I think this is a valid thought. And this is a thought I had today from observing natural things and it is a thought that I think is simple and not above anyone.

Wisdom comes from above. Absurd foolishness comes from the god of this world. I am nothing but I am open to truth. Even if I have to look like the fool at first.

I say all that to say this — if you believe the globe, and you believe a spinning magical solar system that would need daily miracles and divine intervention alone just to sustain it, give me some honest thoughts that you simply are not regurgitating from today’s false-science.

And go.

If you need inspiration, maybe go to the attic of your childhood and take out your sit-and-spin.

All I can say is 3 words that might leave your head spinning.


Yes, I thought they were crazy too. But it only goes to show how deeply we have been indoctrinated. Do you know NASA now says the earth is pear shaped? Do you know NASA admits they photo shop the earth photos? Do you know they have no videos of a spinning ball?

I am willing to be looked at as crazy because I care more about the truth than what you think. I know you are more worried about what people think, and I know you don’t want your bubble of illusion burst, so I likely won’t change anything for you. So by all means, keep on spinning, keep on spinning!

But I know that only my head is spinning right now. I am new to Flat earth, but have already been passionate about creation science, etc. Maybe ask yourself, why do you think the earth is a round spinning globe? And where o where is the spinning globe in the bible?

If the bible says the earth is fixed, immovable, and NASA says no it is spinning 1000 mph around the sun at 67,000 mph who do we trust? Would a 5 year old come to a spinning globe without help or do you need to be a PhD guru that will come up with any theory to exclude God?

My objection to the flat earth really had been I had pictured this square midevial thing, but when I saw it really is a circle flat disc, it made sense. Creation makes sense. Design demands a designer. I have to jump off into lunatic range to believe the impossible – that non-life created life, that an explosion produced order, that things that are not observable are possible.

And when i started to see just how much faith you need to believe in the spinning globe — and how “King Gravity and Lord Coriolis and god-Nasa” are all blindly worshiped and giving unquestioned loyalty, it really isn’t that hard to embrace.

You will be ridiculed but it only goes to show how blind the devil makes this world. When i made a small leap of faith going again in the direction of the best-explanation and reasonable evidence, caring less what people thought, the FLAT EARTH model is true, reasonable, scientific, and provable.

So I will keep asking questions if you still think we are spinning, know I don’t have to be ashamed of the truth, and I have a reason for the hope that is in me.

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