by MJI

I am in a group on Facebook for Helping folks Overcoming Pornography Addiction- it is the elephant in the church today. On any given Sunday in an evangelical church in America – 70% of MEN, 40% of Pastors, and 30% of women have looked at pornography or have a struggle with porn. It is destroying marriages, destroying everything in it’s path, and runs ministries, families and lives, and the church often has no answers for it. Or answers that don’t work, like just pray more, read your bible, and fix this in the the dark and don’t let us know about it. Monsters live in the dark. And porn will grow and fester where it’s hidden and where it’s not brought to the light to shrivel and die.
I get to help a lot of folks on it and it’s not always Christians asking for answers so it’s a great chance to witness too -I was a bit more direct with this person today but he received it well and thanked me -I don’t respond to everyone on there but a few times a week I end up trying to help someone.
For me understanding how God designed our brains – so it’s not just a moral problem with a “try harder” solution- was pivotal in me finding freedom from a lifelong full speed addiction that began when I was in THIRD GRADE.
A man named D.H. Wrote- “I have noticed that every time I have binge watched porn that my mood is just horrible and i will stay in a bad bad mood until 1day or so goes by and then I feel fine. Then I cave in and watch porn again and then feel horrible, just a vicious cycle. I’m on day 2 of not watching anything pornographic.”
My answer to him was –
You are in the binge purge cycle- even if you go 6 months clean you will end up back there and at best delaying the inevitable-It’s a BRAIN issue- your brain needs to heal.
Porn in adolescence GLUES us to the forbidden- You will crave it- want more of it- and it will never satisfy- and you will have withdrawals without it- and when life gets hard your limbic system will override your will power and you will be back looking at it.
I am not sure if you are married but porn destroys marriages and is traumatizing to our wives and it prevents you from experiencing real intimacy with a woman. The CURE is really 2 fold because God designed our brains- and we are designed to glue to our wives in the protection of marriage.
The enemy of our soul – the devil himself – tricks us and gets many of us to GLUE and attach to images or anything forbidden. The way out is not easy- your brain is going to look under an MRI as damaged as that of a crack addict- but the good news is that modern brain science now knows what the Bible has know for 2,000 Years – the brain can heal.
We can be transformed literally by the renewing of our minds. (See Romans 12) It just needs time to heal-You first need Jesus to change your heart so you don’t want porn. And to free you from the penalty of porn and other sins.
Lust is adultery. Porn is adultery of the heart. Hatred is murder of the heart. WE are very guilty for OUR SINS that accumulate on our record our entire lives. Every thought, word, or deed we did against God will be displayed in front of the Judge of the Universe on Judgment Day on God’s jumbo tron – BUT if you come to JESUS that record gets erased and the penalty for those sins are PAID in FULL By JESUS CHRIST. The wages of sin is DEATH and the GIFT of GOD is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD – Romans 6:23.
You first need to be saved. But then after Salvation you need 2-4 years of recovery to allow the brain to heal and renew so you don’t gravitate toward porn when life gets hard- and your brain heals and unglues and then you can wait for God’s way on sex which is NOT until marriage. Check out www.Soulrefiner.Com And get in a Conquer group to start for full freedom.
The truth will set you free-But first it will make you miserable.
KnowI praying for you- what I wrote you took minutes to write and YEARS to learn.