The Bible record is 100% and the fact other cultures “borrow from it” validates it- just like there is great evidence for Jesus AND the resurrection outside of the Bible.
Likewise the flood record is shared with equal collaboration- All human races can be traced back to Noah- and Shem – Ham – And Japheth- the three sons of Noah who repopulated the earth after the flood- and they and their children and their children’s children would tell camp fire stories about the great world wide flood-
which wouldn’t make too much sense on a globe by the way!!!
In the 1800’s lawyer Charlie Lyle looked at the layers of earth that were layered in the world wide flood and the ‘Father of Lies’ came out with a new interpretation and he was able to hood wink selfish man by saying all the layers were actually different ages.
He gave each layer a name (Jurassic period… etc) a date and an index fossil.
This was before carbon and radiometric dating. They date live mollusks to be 30,000 years old . They reject the dates that don’t fit the theory- and keep the ones that do.
They date the rocks by the fossil and the fossil by the rocks ultimately.
And ignore that only rapid burial fossilizes soft tissue-
– Ignore standing skeletons of whales and petrified trees that penetrate multiple layers that are supposed to represent millions of years.
-And fire scientists today who find t-rex bones with red blood cells in them.
Later on a theologian (no science degree) named Charlie Darwin took the lies of Charlie Lyle to the next level and came up with the theory of evolution.
It’s not science- it’s heavily controlled propaganda, false science, and censorship.
And many christians are aware of the truth today- ministries today are received by Christians that tackle this topic- creation museums attract thousands of Christians every year-
but years ago it looked like evolution won because it had “sight” and the only ammunition Christians had was faith in Gods word saying God made different kinds.
Those that stuck it out were eventually validated that they actually weren’t the fools that even those in the church accused them of being. Over and over science catches up to what the Bible teaches and over and over the majority has never been right. Let God be true and every man a liar!
Those who stood by the Bible won in the end and God vindicated then. Evolution really looks foolish today- and yet many refuse to truly accept the real evidence because they won’t allow a divine foot in the door.
It is a tax payer funded religion.
Now the same parallels exist with the earth today.
Cultures all taught a flat non moving earth and a geocentric position- the earth was the center and the sun went around the non moving earth.
The “church” position was that- but the ancient cultures had a similar position. The ancient Hebrew concept was flat, fixed, on pillars, with a dome firmament above. Just like the Bible describes.
And like evolution, one man named Copernicus had a “yeah hath God really said the earth is fixed?” moment and the world quickly bought in.
Heliocentric theory was born.
They had a lie that appealed to the pride of life- and used what I would call the devils math.
Like how the Egyptian magicians could copy Moses’ proofs – the devils “scientists” can make anything believable and the bigger the numbers the more it mesmerizes. They force the math to make the theory fit. That is not science- that is deception.
Billions of years or billions of galaxies and planets are too big to sit down and for one to truly question it. So you can make math fit your theory. Especially when later Einstein’s theory of relativity conveniently filled in the gaps .
The take home is the main difference between the lie of evolution theory and the lie of heliocentric theory is that rejecting evolution is no longer needed to be done by faith alone – And thus there is no reproach to reject evolution at least in the Christian realm.
Sadly many Christians mock the flat earth and run from the foolish that comes with standing with God when It seems the whole world is standing against Him.
A flat fixed geocentric earth is BIBLE just like a world wide flood is Bible.
Phony math- government spacemen- a fake moon landing- NASA special effects and computer generated graphics- plastic globes that spin and entertain children- and lifelong indoctrination are all the spinning globe has.
The challenge is how to wake Christians up without appealing to the pride of life- as ultimately this is a critical doctrine that the whole world is dead set against allowing the truth.
Believing in the literal earth the Bible teaches is a big step toward freeing yourself from the clutches of this worlds system – and loving the things of this world.
A humble earth – a small “outer space” that stops at the firmament- a literal Bible – and the foolish lies no longer holding us hostage- that is what we gain by embracing the truth and more.