Monthly Archives: May 2014

Exchanging the Short-cuts of Salvation for the Old Paths

Some of what I am writing right now may be mere opinion or it may be God’s wisdom I have been praying for. I am not writing this with a critical spirit, but as a bit of a consultant. I … Continue reading

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Don’t Recruit with the Fatted Calf

Eternal life is a FREE yet CONDITIONAL GIFT! The Bible says the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord. (Romans 6:23) Modern evangelism says that this gift is available to anybody and everybody, no questions asked. … Continue reading

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Don’t count your converts before they’re hatched.

Just so you don’t think all I do is complain about the state of Christianity and not do anything about it, by the grace of God, I still hand out tracts and witness on a regular basis.  One of my favorite … Continue reading

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The Romans Road to Salvation. It is from the Bible– but is it Biblical?

I am about to sacrifice one of the Baptist  sacred cows on the altar tonight….I don’t advocate using the Romans Road for  leading people to Christ.   A major problem with America today is lost and saved alike do not fear … Continue reading

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We should know the difference between a Heart Surgeon and a Brain Surgeon

Jesus is Not a Flu Shot Part 4 Here is the latest “wrinkle” I would call it, and maybe the final piece of the puzzle before this goes to the “masses”. This should be obvious.  If I needed a heart … Continue reading

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Is Jesus a Flu Shot or Chemotherapy?

Jesus is not a Flu Shot Part III Is Jesus the flu shot or chemotherapy? I wrote this article about 2 years ago and originally posted it 02/28/2011 on one of my first blog,, which is no longer active.  I reposted … Continue reading

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The Flu Shot Gospel

This was one of the first articles I wrote in the Jesus is not a flu shot!!! series.  God showed me these lessons mostly from my experience as a Pharmacist. Jesus is not a flu shot. Jesus Christ in the … Continue reading

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Jesus is not a Flu Shot

This is from the Jesus is Not a Flu Shot series…. Jesus Christ is not a flu shot. When you get a vaccine you get a false or weakened version of the real thing. This means when you get exposed … Continue reading

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Cults, Churches, or Christ

I have seen a lot of people claim their church to be a cult.  Most commonly, the cult was the last church they attended.  The new church is perfect but Praise the Lord for freeing us from the last church.  And a … Continue reading

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What is legalism?

Legalism I would say would be this —- someone else telling you what to do. Without being allowed to ask questions.  Or punished or rejected when you do. Liberal living would be — you telling You what to do. True … Continue reading

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