Going, going, gone?

American Christians are a bit torn today when it comes to the upcoming election.

Their hearts are telling them Ted Cruz or Dr. Carson perhaps.

But their wallets are telling them Donald Trump.

Looks like diamonds might trump heart.

I know I’m just a conspiracy nut, but supposedly the elections are fixed and “they” get in there who they want, so our votes are merely a conscience soother and meaningless.

They already have their “man” but do not be surprised if Obama finds a way around the 22nd amendment and is still in office come February 2016. All they have to do is orchestrate another 9/11 type event at the right timing, and martial law is declared. 9/11 gave them the authority. Since then they have had time to prepare.

I heard several years ago some of the following and I thought it was absurd. Now I am seeing multiple sources that give evidence for these things. Don’t take my word for it, investigate these claims for yourselves. They have been building empty FEMA camps that can just as well serve as concentration camps, stockpiling ammunition that is not just for training purposes, arming our enemies, taking away our guns and our rights, have mass graves in place “just in case”, etc.

The American public still thinks our government is made up of the good guys because that is what the propaganda, I mean the papers and press, want us to think.

Obama is merely one man in charge of leadership that is dead set on implementing the New World Order as soon as possible. In 8 years, it almost happened. Another 4 years of whoever is in office might just be all they need.

But I have news for them. Jesus is soon going to ruin their plans. The government is going to be upon his shoulders, and everything that stands in his way will be ground to powder. You do not want to be there to be left behind to experience God’s Global Warming.

Sadly, the way things are going, America will be long gone by then.

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