Doing vs DONE

It really was the EVIDENCE is what moved me to make a small leap of faith in 2001 from staunch agnostic and leave a works based religion of my youth to a bible believing Christian and never turning back.

I won’t force people to believe- I just urge you to examine what you believe. 99% of RELIGION essentially teaches the same thing- you must DO something to please GOD or be right with GOD. However real authentic bible based Christianity says nothing we DO would ever be enough- and worse would fill heaven with those who could brag about their goodness for all eternity- so instead it’s spelled DONE.

The bible (and other outside sources) claim JESUS is the CREATOR and GOD and did not SIN and offered himself the perfect sacrifice- I can’t die for the sins of the world because I have my own sins. No religious founder can claim that either. So the bible points to what GOD HAS DONE instead of what we DO.

Now is that claim true?

We should examine the evidence because when it comes to eternity- it’s too long to be wrong.

IF what you believe isn’t true- would you want to know?

That doesn’t mean you can’t learn some good things, that doesn’t mean the culture is toxic because I see more loyalty in many religions than I do among bible believers. I know very kind and genuine believers of other faiths that are kind hard working people. The problem is you can be sincere about your faith, but sincerely wrong.

However, when it comes to eternity, we should be willing to accept the evidence and not just go with what we always have been told or what those around us do.

Overall a solid book that changed my life – and it got me in the bible for the next 23 years almost daily- was A CASE FOR CHRIST by ex atheist Lee Strobel. His life was changed by Jesus. After his wife’s life was changed by JESUS. And he first went on a journey to prove her wrong. MY life too was changed by JESUS.

A big FACT that helped convince me is how people don’t die for something if they know it’s a lie.

And people will not protect a lie when there are consequences at stake-The perfect example is the Watergate scandal- every one of these men involved in Watergate had the reputation of the country at stake and strong motives to protect their leader. YET they all sang like a canary to save their own necks.

Contrast that with the disciples- all of them had given up on JESUS who they had loyally followed for 3 and 1/2 years – when JESUS was crucified. They did not understand that JESUS was prophesied two ways in the Old Testament- the suffering servant and the sacrificial lamb VS the 2nd Coming LION who is going to devour the enemies of GOD.

Yet something happened 3 days later after Jesus was crucified that radically transformed not only all the disciples (Besides Judas) but Christian persecutor Saul of Tarsus.

They all claimed to have met the Resurrected JESUS and were all brutally killed and tortured and yet not one of them ever hinted at recanting what they believed. Not a single one of them.

Why would they die for a lie?!?!?

“If what the Bible has to say about Jesus is a lie, why would all of his disciples have been willing to die? None of them would have had to die if they had just denounced him. You would think that to save themselves at least one would have recanted.”

Also watch this message from Sunday- it’s life changing.

MJI #jesussaves

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