Where’s the fear mongering coming from?
People like Me who have some or a lot the truth and praying for some discernment for what is happening?
OR the government who is 24 /7 lying to people and using strong arm tactics and deception to force a whole world to it’s knees?
The Bible says NOAH moved with FEAR and built an ark to save whoever would listen. That is what Conspiracy people are doing – they recognize the signs and we have had our radar up for years. Now we are tying to stay a step ahead – and we don’t know how FAST they are going to launch their plans but this is 100% part of a calculated plan.
FEAR is only bad if it leads us to lies — we should be afraid of what they are doing. WE should make our peace with God. We should get some urgency to start warning others.
If we were magically transported to the Titanic, yes we would instill fear by telling people what is coming. and we may ruin their cruise if they are listening to the captain tell them everything is fine and we are telling them to start looking for lifeboats.
But that is what the truth and conviction will do. I am 100% convinced this is either the final event for them to get the New World Order in and usher in the Antichrist – Or this will blow over once their phony vaccine is given to everyone – and then things calm down for a bit while they plan their next step. The Corona Campaign was after years of predictive programming to make us terrified of a Super Bug.
FEAR what they plan.
FEAR that you might not have any time to warn your lost family.
FEAR Jesus is coming and we don’t want to be ashamed at his coming. Health fear will drive us to TRUTH and drive us to JESUS.
Their fear is driving people to embrace lies and phony vaccines.
The way so many bible believing Christians are basically telling us to shut up about what the government is doing is very disheartening. please pray about what i am writing and get behind what the bible says is going on.
We need to be united – but united over TRUTH.
Are you sick of the LIES – or are the lies the only thing comforting you?