The Truth Set Me Free — Over and Over!

Question. Someone I witnessed to wrote me this kind response:

“I dont need to hear what you think-why do you always think your way is the right way-maybe you should be president being so righteous-bet if we looked into your life we could find something -no one is perfect -i always thought being a Christian was to be forgiving and not to think you knew everything -will say one of my Catholic prayers for you”

Maybe it comes across like I am better. I am merely better off because I am saved. Anyone can be saved! Everyone is offered this eternal promise. But it starts with admitting you are wrong and that God is right. Attack me, but if you don’t humble yourself you will never experience eternity in Heaven.

Those in Heaven have come to realize they deserve Hell.

I have been proven wrong by God over and over and over. It started 14 years ago when I saw Jesus was right and I was wrong.

I thought religion was a personal choice you kept private, and I was agnostic and did not think the Bible was anything. I never was shown any evidence for God or the bible or Jesus. When I saw how reasonable it was to take a leap of faith, my eyes were opened.

I was proven wrong. Jesus opened my eyes.

I had been brought up Catholic and thought they must be true because of how religious they all acted. I was baptized and confirmed and figured I could live my life and die and then they would take care of my eternal destiny. As I read my bible I started to see the lies they told us, and the bondage the church held. I never had before seen the clear difference between the promises of the bible and the truth of JESUS and the blind traditions of man-made religion. When I saw clearly you had to choose one as your final authority of all matters of faith and practice, I easily chose JESUS Christ and I left the Catholic Church for good. My eyes were opened and after 3 years of searching for the right church Jesus led me to where I am today. They are not perfect, but they point me to a PERFECT SAVIOR, not themselves.

I was shown the right perspective, and put church in it’s proper place. I was proven I was wrong with the religion of my youth, I had to choose truth over tradition, and Jesus opened my eyes.

I went to pharmacy school and never gave much thought to anything else than evolution. I never was shown any evidence for creation or any alternative views. Once I saw how reasonable it was to believe God created the heaven and the earth and life cannot come from non life, my eyes were opened.

I was proven wrong. Jesus opened my eyes.

I always thought after I was saved that those that said only the King James bible were bigots and closed minded. I thought they were cultic. Then God showed me it was the Word of God when I did a 30 experiment looking for truth. And once my eyes were opened, I was amazed at how much evidence there was for the preserved word of God.

I was yet again proven wrong. Jesus opened my eyes.

I always assumed the earth was millions of years old and that dinosaurs were extinct for millions of years. I never heard there were other explanations, such as the flood 4,200 years ago. When i realized I had a preserved Word of God that I can hold in my hand, the rest of the bible could then be taken literally. And my eyes were opened. And then after I as amazed how much evidence there was for a young earth, 6,000 years old or so, and how the modern dating methods are flawed and biased.

I was yet again proven wrong. Jesus opened my eyes.

I could go on and on. Do you want the truth and will you let it change you? Or do would you rather stay “right” in your own eyes, and bet your eternity you already have it all figured out?

Jesus said YE shall know the truth and the TRUTH shall make you free.

If you want to continue keeping everything from bursting your bubble of false reality, not even the God of the Universe can burst it. But when the bubble bursts, you won’t miss your old life one bit.

I found new vibrant life — in JESUS!!!

And I invite you to get out of the river of De-Nile and test the living water of truth. Jump in, the water is fine!!!!

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